Main Heading

Excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column excerpt left column.

Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column Excerpt Right Column

Content Pop Up

Basic two column layout with a grid of images to the left and a one or two column excerpt content block on right. Pop up of addition content slides out from right of screen when added.

Additional Options:

  • Option to added dr's signatures at bottom of content block and pop up content.
Label Name Type Notes
Media tab
Vertical Spacing content_pop_up_vertical_spacing clone (Clone of Utility : Vertical Spacing)
Top Image content_pop_up_top_image clone (Clone of Utility : Image)
Left Image content_pop_up_left_image clone (Clone of Utility : Image)
Right Image content_pop_up_right_image clone (Clone of Utility : Image)
Content tab
Main Heading content_pop_up_main_heading group (Clone of Utility : Heading)
Excerpt Left Column content_pop_up_excerpt_left wysiwyg
Excerpt Right Column content_pop_up_excerpt_right wysiwyg
Read More Content content_pop_up_read_more_content wysiwyg Displayed below excerpt in sidebar when user clicks the "Read More" button